At the meeting this morning Mark was the only male in the group of 20! What a trouper he is! The group spent the hour discussing the basic components of the cleanse, as well as what a general grocery shopping list should look like. These items included vegan cheese, vegan mayo, smart balance vegan butter spread, where to find whole grain bread...we did not go too in depth about veggies and fruits for the obvious reasons...we discussed tempeh, tofu, soy...almond milk, soy milk...all kinds of fun, new items! People had remarkable suggestions for what brands were better than others, and what things to try over others. We were able to spend the last several minutes meditating together and wrapping up the session on a positive note.
Mark, the kids and I headed out to grab up some of the suggestions and filler items that we are going to need for the week and beyond. You knew it was going to be a great day when heading into the parking lot of Earth Fare the sun was shining and mine and Mark's song began playing. We tried out a new Earth Fare and good thing us hippies are patient people (I am laughing out loud), because this place was packed and the lines wrapped almost to the back of the store in some instances. But we plugged on a head. We picked up some wonderful vegetables and fruits (not too many since BlueSky will be delivering tomorrow), and were able to pick up some staples, like peanut butter. The majority of the time was spent staring at the vegan case, where we picked up cream cheese, american cheese and cheddar cheese. We got an entire cart of groceries and we got $10.00 off our entire purchase! There was also a run to Trader Joe's after Earth Fare, basically for food to please the children! All in all, it was a good shopping expedition.
The pictures above is what we did for dinner. We did the frozen bread that people suggested, and used a piece of the rice cheese in american and in cheddar and made toasted cheeses with tomato. In the back of our cleanse book there was a recipe for "green bean fries", simple and effective! Fresh green beans boiled for 3-5 minutes, then sprinkled with some garlic powder, salt and pepper. The kids inhaled them, as did Mark and I. I enjoyed the grilled cheese quite a bit. I had heard horror stories about the vegan cheese substitutes and was pleasantly surprised. Mark on the other hand felt like he did about a lot of the things we had tried, that it just didn't taste like much. At least we are opening up options for ourselves.
For lunch today, I did eat another one of the raw trainer meals, but I forgot to take a picture! It was a buckwheat pizza crust with what seemed like a marinara and chopped veggies for the top! I ate this and enjoyed it thoroughly, but only after I attempted the rawvioli, which was not something I could stomach. It was made from turnips and it just did not appeal to me at all, so after 1 bite, I knew that was not an option for me! We did order this weeks sample pack from raw trainer, and it has things like an oatmeal, a chili, a faux chicken salad and a broccoli salad!
Thoughts for this week's meals? We are not entirely sure! Mark sees a lot of peanut butter in his future, however I am not that lucky since I am allergic to peanuts and to sunflower seeds. I hope to be running out shortly to pick up my sister's food processor to work on making a breakfast cookie suggested in our book but I could not find GOJI berries for anything! More to come tomorrow.
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